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James Fagan
生于 New York
76 years
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Peter Rowland past Rotary GSE Memeber 1989 to NJ January 8, 2018
Dear Tyloo & Jimi,

My name is Peter Rowland & we met Brian, Tyloo & Jimi during our Rotary Group Study Exchange to NJ in April of 1989.

A fellow GSE member of that excahange, Bruce Sinclair, has only just made me aware that Brian passed away in 2014, sadly, none of us were aware of this.

Belatedly, but sincrely, please accept my condolences & sympathies.

During our 1989 visit, we had the pleasure of meeting Brian, Tylo & Jimi. During a short period We shared wonderful times with all of you, Brian in particular quickly became our "mate" & we still cherish today the times we had & are thankful for your hospitality & friendship.

I am very sad today to hear of Brian's passing.......may he rest peacefully.

My best wishes & regards,

Peter Rowland
Perth, Western Australia

Chambon Electric friends of John Fagan September 10, 2014
Dear John,

We all send our sincere sympthies to you and your family on the loss of your Father, James.  We all know the saddness of loosing a parent having lost the father of our company, Jean Chambon, not too long ago. 

May you find comfort in the sympathies of those who care about you.  Please know we are among those who care.

In sincere sympathy and caring,
Jean and Robert Chambon and everyone at Chambon Electric inc.
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